Speak Fluently about the Weather

Table of Contents

Whether in a business environment  or in a very casual one, we often start a conversation by making small talk.
Speaking about the weather is one of the most common ice-breakers all over the world.

So how do we speak about the weather in English?

Weather or Whether ???

But before we proceed with the Weather vocabulary in English I am sure you have noticed the resemblence between Weather and Whether.

Weather and whether are homophones: they are pronounced the same but they have a different meaning or spelling.

Weather /ˈweð.ər/ is a noun that refers to the state of the atmosphere(e.g., rain, snow, heat, etc.).

Before we went to the beach, we checked the weather report to make sure it wasn’t going to rain.

Whether /ˈweð.ər/ is a conjunction that expresses doubt or choice between two possibilities.

I’m going to buy this, whether you like it or not.

If you want o get fluent in Weather  Conversations check the useful Vocabulary and Language below.

Ways to Ask & Answer about the Weather

Ways to say it's (very) hot / cold

Weather Vocabulary

Weather Grammar

You can use three sentence structures to talk about the weather in the present tense:

1. It is + adjective:

It is snowy.
It is rainy.

2. It is + verb-ing:

It is snowing.
It is raining.

3. There is a + noun:

There is a storm.
There is a drought.

To talk about the weather in the Past Tense, you’ll use the same sentence structures but put the verb “to be” in the Past Tense (except for present perfect), for example:

It was rainy yesterday.
It was raining yesterday.
There was a storm yesterday.

Twenty (20) Weather Idioms

Idiom – a group of words in a fixed order that has a particular meaning that is different from the meanings of each word on its own.

1. To be as right as rain
it means to feel healthy or well again:

You just need a good night’s sleep, and then you‘ll be right as rain again.

2. It’s raining cats and dogs
An old-fashioned idiom that you say when it is raining heavily.

Don’t forget your umbrella. It is raining cats and dogs!

3. Every cloud has a silver lining
it is said to emphasize that every difficult or unpleasant situation has some advantage

I’m not going on holiday this year, but every cloud has a silver lining, as I’m able to spend more time with my family at home.

4. Head in the clouds
is used to describe someone being overly-optimistic about a situation or to have unrealistic ideas about something.

Mike thinks he is going to pass his exams without studying. He has his head in the clouds!

5. On cloud nine
If you are on cloud nine, you are extremely happy.

She has been on cloud nine since getting married.

6. Snowed under
When you have too much work to do or to have a lot of things to deal with at once.

Mike is snowed under with work. He cannot come and watch the game with us tonight.

7. Under the weather
used to  describe feeling unwell or minor illnesses that are not life threatening. It can sometimes be used when you feel overly-exhausted after a long day or night.

Mary did not come into work today. She was feeling under the weather.

8. To be a breeze
To be easy or requiring little effort.

This exam is going to be a breeze.

9. The calm before the storm
A brief moment of peace or quiet before a busy or difficult period arrives.

It’s going to get very busy tomorrow. Today is the calm before the storm.

 10. Take a rain check 
It is an informal idiom. It is used when someone wants to decline an invitation or a proposition when asked but would like to accept it at a later time

A: “Would you like to have a drink after work tonight?”
B: “Mind if I take a rain check? I have to get up early tomorrow.”
A: “No problem.”

Can we take a rain check on our cinema date? I have too much homework.

11. Come rain or shine 
To say that something will be done regardless of whatever happens (no matter what the weather/situation.)

I will play football tonight come rain or shine.

13. Rain on my parade
if someone rains on your parade, they ruin your pleasure or plans.

I’m sorry to rain on your parade but you’re not allowed to have alcohol on the premises. 

14. Throw caution to the wind 
forget all your commitments and do something crazy.   

I threw caution to the wind and bought the most expensive one.

15. Steal someone’s thunder
If someone steals your thunder, they take the attention away from you.

Sandy stole my thunder when she announced that she was pregnant two days before I’d planned to tell people about my pregnancy.

My colleague  stole my thunder when he told the boss that he did all the work on the research.

16. Face like thunder
When someone is visibly angry or upset and you can notice the emotion on the person’s face.

You could tell Maria was angry. She had a face like thunder!

17. Storm ın a teacup
Exaggerate a problem.

I don’t think this flu scare is serious. It is a storm in a teacup.

18. Lightning fast
Being very fast.

Wow, did you see that man win the race? He was lightning fast!

19. Chase rainbows
Try to achieve the impossible.

I know you want to become a famous footballer but don’t chase rainbows! It is very hard and you are just not good enough.

20. it never rains but it pours
You can use the expression it never rains but it pours to mean that several unfortunate events often happen at the same time.

The team not only lost the game but three of its best players were injured. It never rains but it pours.

PRACTICE the Weather Idioms


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Neden Marina Carmen ile İngilizce?

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