The power of shared stories

You have the power to write your own Story and there is also power in owning and sharing it!

Shared Stories are the ones that have connected us into wider webs and stronger communities for thousands of years.

Yes, we use language to communicate real facts and emotions but also our imagined realities, our visions, beliefs, and dreams.

This is how we come to work towards achieving what in some cases,  today is normality, but it was just a dream, an imagined reality some time ago!

By sharing our stories we have higher chances of achieving in the future what seems just a dream today.

There is power in owning and telling your story.

It defines who you are and helps you create authentic connections.

We are social beings and our purpose comes from meaningful relationships.

No wonder  we’ve always loved stories.
No wonder Instagram stories are such a success nowadays!


We don’t read the CVs of famous  people!
We read their biographies!

It is the story behind their success that we are curious about, that inspires, gives hope, and brings us closer to the person the story belongs to.

The story behind success is almost never linear!

It has its ups and downs.

And it’sexactly our downs, struggles, and learnings that lead us to our highest achievements.

We often tend to dismiss some chapters of our lives as we might consider them irrelevant.

But our story is not complete unless it includes the past and present facts in our lives and most importantly the meaning we assign to them.

Our dreams, beliefs, visions, intentions, and plans for the future are also an important component of our stories.

The way we interpret and choose to speak about them makes a huge difference.
It can lift you up or on the contrary keep, you stuck!


The way you tell your story can also help or inspire others.
It can help you too, building authentic and strong connections!

How do you tell your story
What’s the story behind the beautiful pictures you post on your social media accounts?
Do you chose to polish your story, to speak  just about your achievements  and blessings?

Yes, we all feel attracted to succes!

But what we actually love the most is hearing the story behind sucess! What brought people to it?

A shared story about success empowers the one who owns and shares it to achieve even greater things.

It also empowers the listener to dare to try, to fight for his own dreams.

And no, the power is not just in the stories of success.

Have you ever reached out, asking for help, describing your pain, speaking about your struggles?

In case you dared to be vulnerable  I am sure there were people around you willing to help.

And there is a blessing both for the one offering help and for the one embracing it.

And you can be both a giver and a taker, at different stages and in different fields of your life.

In my next blog article  I’ll start sharing my own story and I hope it will inspire you to take some time, reflect on your own story, decide on how you want to write and tell it!

Let our stories bring us closer to each others!

Let us grow & learn through our shared stories!







telling your story


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