Earning More, in Your Style, from Your Knowledge, Skills & Passion!

1:1 Mentoring Session

with Marina Carmen

Marina Carmen

YES! It’s possible!

 You can transition from an Overwhelmed, Drained & Limited Teacher to a
Resourceful, Empowered & Empowering EduPreneur,
that rises stronger and stronger!

Here’s how I can help:

Depending on the level you are currently at, we focus on what you need the most to make it to your desired next level.

⇒ Gain Clarity
⇒ Boost your Confidence
⇒ Manage your Time Efficiently
Improve your Focus and Creativity
⇒ Be consistent
⇒ Develop grit 
⇒ Achieve your Goal

Develop Modern Teaching Skills

Create your own Teaching Materials

Plan and Deliver Memorable Lessons

Guide Your Students to achieve the results they want.

◊ As a Non-Native English Teacher:

⇒ Improve your own English Proficiency 
⇒ Become Confident when Speaking English Publicly

get clear on what is the field you feel at your best when teaching

  identify whom you can serve the best without feeling overwhelmed. Who do you really love wrking with?


  so that in time the system works smoothly while you get more time and money resources to finally  invest in what you have kept postponing…


Transform your Knowledge, Skills & Passion into a Product/Service/Course (or all of them)

Identify who would benefit from your Service (Whom can it help? What For? How?)

Create with your Ideal Student always in mind (a detailed profile of your Ideal client showing how well you know him/her and how you can tailor your services to his specific needs)

◊ Create Online Content that speaks directly to your Ideal Student, based on your unique qualities and personality type. 

Master Online Tools and learn editing  skills that  help you create the best content for Your Ideal Student

◊ Become Perceived as:
⇒ a Strong Personal Brand,
 the Expert in your Field
⇒ The First-to-come-to 
by your Ideal Client and confidently promote your product/service under Your Personal brand Umbrella.

◊ Use Social Media to Reach and Attract your Ideal client

◊ Build an audience

◊ Build and Nurture a Community

◊ Testimonials

◊ Pricing Strategies (calculate & communicate your Fees )

◊ Conversion Strategies to turn Leads into paying Customers   

WHY can I help you?


  • I’ve been traveling the EduPreneur path myself.
  • I’ve been facing and overcoming plenty of challenges along this Journey 
  • I have registered continous progress in my own ESL teaching Projects
  • I’ve been constantly investing in my own personal and professional development
  • I meet you exactly where you are and I help you get to your desired next level.

I constantly survey my teaching audience and the ESL teaching market  to make sure I offer the best support

– Personal Development,
– Professional Development,
– Online Content Creation and
– Personal Branding
STRATEGIES  to help my Clients get the best results and to grow my own business in a sustainable way.

Marina Carmen

1:1 Mentoring Session

you receive

your investment

$60 reduced from $75 

Frequently asked questions

After you apply, you will receive my e-mail with guidance for our 1:1 Online Zoom Meeting.
(the e-mail will be sent automatically to your inbox in maximum 5 minutes – please check your spam folder too.)

We will agree together – via email – on the best common time & online meeting platform.

You pay just after we have confirmed the time and date for our 1:1 Online Meeting.

*The transfer needs to be done minimum 2 working days before the confirmed date and time of the 1:1 Online meeting.

You make the payment via bank transfer to the account you will receive by e-mail.

During our 1:1 online meeting we get to:

⇒ have a closer look try to understand your current situation

⇒ visualise the level you want to get at.
*why you want it,
*what it takes for you to get there, 
*what is the first step you can take
*what are your strengths and how you can make best use of them 
*What are the areas you need to improve,
*what are your fears and your limiting beliefs – How you can transform your limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs

⇒ find your Anchors
*what are some possible obstacles?
*how could you overcome them?
*what gives you strengths to go ahead in the most difficult moments?

AFTER our 1:1 online  

⇒ I will work on your Action-Plan Guide (based on the input from our 1:1 online meeting)

⇒ you receive your Action-Plan Guide in maximum 6 days after our 1:1 online meeting

⇒ you start implementing the action plan into your life 

⇒ you can e-mail me about your process. I would love to hear from you and of course I would be happy to reply 🙂

You receive the Workbook – Identify and attract your Ideal Client in maximum 1 day after $60 payment.

You receive the Action Plan Guide in electronic format via e-mail.


You receive the Action Plan Guide in maximum 6 days after our 1:1 Online Meeting.

You receive the Action Plan Guide in electronic format via e-mail.


APPLY for 1:1 mentoring Session with
Marina Carmen


Honesty & Reliability

My deepest desire is to offer you the guidance you need at the current stage in your life.

Friendly & Relaxed

Friendly & Relaxed Guidance Approach.


This 1:1 Mentorship Session can be the begining of a fruitful collaboration on long term.