Table of Contents
Dream or Goals? What to start with?
Have you noticed that when you think about Goals and Objectives it feels like work and that gets you into the worker mindset. It automatically puts pressure on you…
Instead, thinking about dream sparks your imagination, creativity, self expression, possibilities of who you can become (unleashing your superpowers and get into the spirit of play).
Your Dream is your vision for who you want to become and what you want to experience in the world.
Your Dream includes:
- your imagination
- your vision
- your heart’s desires
- how you want to contribute to life
- who you want to become.
- the experiences you want to co-create.
- the spirit of play
- sense of wonder and mystery
You may be very clear on your Dream and already in pursuit.
Or you may be a little fuzzy about the details but just know you are ready for more.
Wherever you find yourself, NOW is the perfect place to START your adventure.
The purpose of this article is to spark your imagination for what your BIG Dream can be.
Here’s how you will grow as you play for your dreams…
- You will express your superpowers, energy and creativity
- You will enjoy the company of people on your growing Dream Team
- You will grow your skills and capabilities
- You will experience personal transformation; to become, believe and belong
- You will grow in status within a community
- You will change your world or THE world in a positive way
- You will LOVE playing for a Dream that is engaging, supportive, challenging, purposeful and fulfilling.
Your dream is an inspiring picture of the future that energizes your mind, will and emotions, empowering you to do everything you can to achieve it.
“Dreams come a size too big so we can grow into them.” – actress Josie Bisset
Tap into your imagination and think about what is a dream that you can play for right now.
Not someday! We are not talking about doing something years later! We are talking about now!
Tap into your curiosity and creativity and wonder: how could I approach my life in a new bold way?
No matter what your situation is right now, using your imagination you can find a dream that you can play for.
Write your dream on paper. Never underestimate the power of writing.
I strongly encourage you to write it in your Journal or on a notebook. (Studies show that people who write down their dreams/goals/intentions increase considerably their chances to achieve / fulfill them).
If you looked at your life and business as living your dream; as playing for your dream…
What would you say your big dream is right now?
How will your dream change your life for better?
Will your dream change other people lives for better too? How?
WORK or PLAY for your dream?
Most of the times when we want to do something better we automatically think that we need to work harder and perfect, be more disciplined and finish more tasks… But this is a mindset we have inherited from the Industrial Age. This mindest and approach is no longer helping us grow in the Connected age.
Playing better is about expressing more fully, unleashing your super Powers, learning some new skills…exploring new possibilities, maybe stepping out to some new challenges…
PLAY and playfulness stands for:
- Curious and Creative
- Resourceful and Resilient
- Explore and Experiment
- Fun! (usually, but not always)
We are moving beyond the Industrial Age of Work into the Connected Age of Play.
More and more people are waking up to a life of possibilities and yearning to play BIG unleashing their Superpowers to contribute to the lives of others in a creative and meaningful way.
In the connected Age this Transformation is needed:
From: Working alone to check tasks off of a to-do list; then enjoy some entertainment.
TO: Playing with others by expressing your Superpowers to co-create rewarding experiences as you live your Dream every day.
As wee are now living in the Connected Age we need to make sure our play moves involve other people! We are not working in Isolation. Our playful actions have a result on other People. We dream of having a positive influence on their lives.
The GAP between your Dream and Curent Situation
The Gap between your Dream and curent situation is called The Performance-Possibility Gap.
The Performance-Possibility Gap is the the difference between your current performance and your desired performance (needed to live your dream).

Revitalize Your Dream Coaching Program at