Table of Contents
Yes, we need words in order to speak but how can we learn so many words and use them effectively?
Here are some tips on how to naturally Develop your Vocabulary.
No, memorizing words is not one of the right and enjoyable practices…
Without much further ado here some some tips to help you learn and grow your vocabulary as you go:
1. WRITE the new words & Phrases in a notebook.
Studies show that writing by hand increases memory and comprehension. When you write, all parts of your brain are actively engaged.
For better results, don’t just write words down.
When you write words/phrases, make sure you:
- Divide your notebook into sections so that you can find things quickly.
- Use different color pens for different things (for example, adjectives can be red, nouns can be green…)
- Highlight or underline important notes,words and facts
- Categorize new words in groups.
(categorizing personal objects in groups)
Appearance: comb, brush, eyeliner, lipstick …
Bedtime: blanket, pillow, bedclothes, bedsheet
Meals: bowl, fork, mug, cup, saucer…
When a sentence has a ‘definite’ subject (for instance, a noun with a definite article, or a proper name), there is is not normally used.
The door was open. (Not: ‘There was the door open.)
James was at the party. (Not: *There was James at the party.)
The exception to this is when be has a subject, but no complement.
‘Who can we ask?” – ‘There’s James, or Miranda, or Annie.’ (Not: *James is, . . .)
2. GUESS the meaning of new words
When you don’t know a word, the beginning of a word, the end of a word and the rest of the sentence can help you guess the meaning.
When reading, don’t stop to check the meaning of a new word in a dictionary. Doing so, affects your overall comprehension and can make reading feel frustrating for you.
Just try to get the main idea of the text. What is it about? Then try to figure out the meaning of the new words from the context.
Before looking it up in a dictionary ask yourself:
- Is it a noun, verb or addictive?
- What clues about the meaning can you find in the text?
- Does the word have a special beginning or end? What does it mean?
- What do you think the word means?
Example of self Conversation
I think ‘unusual’ is an adjective.
Unusual’ describes the weather.
The text says ‘Normally it’s wet and
windy, but it didn’t rain once!’
Yes. It starts with ‘un-‘ which means ‘not.
I think ‘unusual’ means ‘not usual’.
Recording words in different ways will help you remember them. One way is to create spidergrams.

Many nouns have a related adjective. We usually form the related adjective or noun by adding extra letters. We sometimes need to change other letters.
beauty beautiful
truth true
5. WORD FORMATİON: people words
To form nouns describing people, we often add extra letters to a verb or a noun. We sometimes need to change other letters.
Verb / Noun Extra Letters People Word
invent -or inventor
compose -er composer
write writer
music -ian musician
mathematics mathematician
science -ist scientist
business -man businessman
-woman businesswoman
6. PERSONALİSE the new word
You can write a sentence that is true for you to help you remember new words.
I often feel exhausted in the evening.
All the 4 skills are helping you develop your English Vocabulary.
Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking.
The key is in balancing them all.
Reading and Listening, (receptive skills) are great sources of authentic language.
The more you are exposed to new words and phrases in context the more you become familiar with them .
Enrich your vocabulary while:
- reading your favorite book in English
- watching your favorite English movies
- listening to your favorite English songs
Writing and Speaking (productive skills) are great opportunities for you to experiment with the language and practice the new vocabulary.
Remember: The right practice makes it better
For effective and enjoyable English Speaking practice Join a group course or a speaking club. You are most welcome to join my Group Lessons or Speaking Club.
You can read more on how to improve your English Vocabulary on the links below:
Own it! 2 Cambridge – Teacher’s & Student book